If you are having problems using The National Gallery of Art
CD-ROM (NGAW) you will find it helpful to read the text below.
You can print this file from any Macintosh word processing program.
This file contains important information on the following topics:
- How to install the National Gallery of Art program
- What you need to run the publication
- National Gallery of Art CD-ROM memory usage.
- How to make it run on low-memory machines
- What makes the National Gallery of Art CD-ROM look best
- Common problems playing sounds and how to fix them
- Some handy shortcuts
- How to contact technical support.
The application to run the National Gallery of Art can be
launched from the CD-ROM, you do not need to install the application
on your hard disk. Simply double-click the National Gallery of Art icon
on the CD-ROM. The application requires QuickTime 3.0 or greater.
If you do not have QuickTime 3.0 or greater installed on your Macintosh
or you are unsure, you can install QuickTime 4.0 from this CD by
following the instructions below. While the application will run
perfectly well with QuickTime 3.0, picture quality will be improved
in certain circumstances by installing QuickTime 4.0.
To install QuickTime 4.0:
1. Double-click the “Install QuickTime 4.0” icon on the CD-ROM or select
this icon and choose “Open” from the “File” menu.
2. Follow the instructions presented to you by the installer; you may
need to restart your computer.
3. If you have restarted your computer, wait a few seconds until the
NGAW icon appears on your desktop, then double-click the National
Gallery of Art icon.
When the program starts up, it displays a copyright message, read it and;
click OK. The contents panel then pops up, click one of the buttons to begin.
To run the National Gallery of Art again, simply place the CD-ROM
into the drive and double-click the National Gallery of Art icon.
You do not need to install QuickTime again.
To use the National Gallery of Art CD-ROM you need:
• Any Macintosh computer that supports a 256-colour, 640x480 (13-inch) or
higher resolution monitor. However, the large images will look much better
on a monitor displaying "thousands of colours" (16-bit); and better still
on a monitor displaying "millions of colours" (24-bit).
• System 7.0 or later
• 4 MB of available random-access memory (RAM)
• At least 4 MB of available hard disk space
• A single-speed (150 KB/sec) CD-ROM drive or better
To display the enlarged images, QuickTime™ 3.0 or later must be installed
in your System Folder. If you don't have QuickTime™ 3.0 installed on your
computer, you can install QuickTime™ 4.0 from the CD-ROM. Refer to section 1 of this
The National Gallery of Art program should run on any Macintosh with 4 MB
of available RAM. If 4 MB of memory is not free when you launch the
publication, a warning message may be displayed indicating that there is
insufficient memory available. You will need to adjust memory usage to
make the publication run properly. Some general suggestions follow:
• Run only one application at a time. If other applications are running,
close them before relaunching the National Gallery of Art program.
• Check the amount of memory being used by your system software. To do this,
return to the Finder and select About This Macintosh... from the Apple menu
at the top left corner of your screen. The Largest Unused Block needs to be
greater than 4,000K to run the National Gallery of Art program. If the only
item listed in the About This Macintosh dialog is System Software, and the
Largest Unused Block is less than 4,000K, you need to reduce the amount of
memory consumed by your system software. Refer to your Macintosh documentation
to do this, but some general suggestions follow:
a. Open the Memory Control Panel and check the Disk Cache setting. For best
performance with the National Gallery of Art, set the cache to 32K.
b. Large numbers of fonts and sounds consume system memory. Removing those
that you aren't using will make more memory available.
c. Third-party system extensions such as screen savers, fax software, desktop
pictures, menu-modifying utilities and other system enhancements increase the
amount of memory consumed by your system. Removing some or all of these
extensions will increase the amount of memory available to applications.
Be sure that you save anything you remove from your System folder and place
it in a separate folder on your disk so that you can replace it later.
• The National Gallery of Art program is preset to a minimum memory requirement
of 3,000K and a preferred memory size of 4,000K. When the National Gallery of Art
launches, the Finder will try and allocate it 4,000K, but if your Macintosh is
low on memory, the Finder will allocate a lesser amount. The National Gallery of
Art will function correctly in low memory situations but will be limited to the
number of Image Windows that can be open at any time. In the worse case, you
will only be able to display up to ten Image Windows of one painting at any time,
this is because there is no memory penalty for Image Windows of the same painting.
In the best case you will be able to display up to ten Image Windows of different
paintings at any time. If the National Gallery of Art has launched in low memory,
you may get an 'insufficent memory' message when you try and open more than one
Image Window. In this situation, refer to the above suggestions to adjust your
memory usage.
On startup, the National Gallery of Art program checks your monitor and displays
the images as best it can on your Macintosh. If your monitor settings can be
adjusted to make the publication run better, the program will prompt you to do so.
The National Gallery of Art program will run on any 256-colour, 640x480 (13-inch)
or higher resolution Macintosh compatible monitor, although it is highly
recommended that the enlarged images are viewed in "thousands of colours".
The National Gallery of Art program is not designed to run in black and white,
in 16 colours, or on monitors displaying less than 640x480 pixels (e.g., Colour
Classics or 12" monitors).
The image content of this CD-ROM is very high and great efforts have been made
to ensure that the quality of their reproduction is accurate. To get the best
from your monitor please take time to experiment with your brightness and
contrast settings for maximum effect.
If you are using Virtual Memory, you may find that sounds are choppy or interrupted. For best performance, turn off Virtual Memory by opening the Memory Control Panel, turning off Virtual Memory, and restarting your computer.
Sounds may be inaudible if the sound level is turned down. To set the sound level, open the Sound control panel, and experiment with the speaker volume setting until you find a comfortable sound level. If you set the sound level to maximum, you may get some sound distortion just as you might on a stereo system. With external speakers, be sure they are connected properly and turned on; you will generally be able to adjust sound level with the external speaker volume knob as well as with the Sound control panel.
Below is a list of keyboard equivalents supported in the NGAW program which will help you navigate through the product, and perform certain tasks more quickly.
Apple + F = Find
Apple + G = Find again
Apple + P = Print
Apple + C = Copy text to clipboard
Apple + I = Bring Image Windows to the front
Apple + B = Bookmark this page
Apple + W = Web Link
If you experience problems using the National Gallery of Art CD-ROM, consult the
notes above, and the documentation that came with your computer. If you still
cannot fix the problem, then please do the following:-
* if you have Internet access, try the NGAW support site at
If this fails to solve your problem then:-
* Write down a full description of the problem.
* Also write down the computer name and model, the operating system
(e.g. System 7.6), details of the system memory, details of the CD-ROM drive
(if available) plus any other relevant information (e.g. details of the printer,
if you are experiencing a problem with printing).
* Send the description of the problem and your equipment:
- by e-mail to "ngaw_support@cogapp.com"
- fax or voice mail to (202) 478 0160
- by post to:
NGAW Support
Cognitive Applications Ltd
Lees House
21 Dyke Road
Brighton, BN1 3GD
For the most efficient support service, please use the e-mail address.